
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Islam between Patriarchs and Wannabes

Pakistani society is full of contradictions.People are very emotional about religion but not necessarily practising,Where ever there is a clash between Islam local traditions,they pick tradition over Islamic law,And mostly women are the victim of this patriarchy and hypocrisy,Islam has given women inheritance rights but in our society women don't get there fare share or they are told to give away there share of inherent property to someone else (my mother and her two sisters were victim of this discrimination and un Islamic tradition).

Islam commands married men to give dowry to there wife but in Pakistan women give dowry to there Husbands,because after living with Hindus for a 1000 years there customs are entrenched in our society,In Islam honour killing is haram and scholars of all school of thoughts in Pakistan have given Fatwas against it,and some Islamic scholars have even gone on to say that even in front of father if a woman commits adultery,still her father does not have the right to kill her and she deserves a judicial trial,but in Pakistan every year 100s of women are killed in the name of honour,in some remote and rural areas of the country women are sold like property to settle disputes which is also against Islam,In Islam marriage is a contract which can only be performed with free consent of both man and a woman,otherwise its against Islam.but in Pakistan forced marriages are common.In parallel judicial system of Punchayat's and Jirga's decision are given against Sharia and law of the land often women and poor people are victimized through this system.recently a report came out on professional discrimination against women and Pakistan's position is 131 out of 134 countries.if men and women are working in the same position for same amount of time women are paid less,earlier this year Saudi Government which is notoriously known for Women rights abuse lawfully banned gender based salary discrimination because its against Islam.but in Pakistan and many western countries women suffer from gender based salary discrimination.

In a country that was created for Islam un Islamic Patriarchal traditions should have and could have been wiped out long time ago, and all people specially women should have been given there due rights,but despite ever so increasing outrage over these issues specially by the vibrant media and various organizations they still exist and have created confusion and polarization instead of solution with consensus,because the media and dollar funded corrupt NGO's don't tell the whole truth about these issues and don't identify the root causes and real culprits with honesty,instead there outrage is mostly misdirected against Islam with the umbrella of Mullah of course and at times the skull and bones of Zia ul Haq,And the real Culprits that are Patriarchal Chaudhries of Punjab,Waderas of Sindh Sardar's of Balochistan and Khanzada's of KPK who are also mostly associated with secular or nationalist political parties are never held accountable nor the real causes which are traditionalism and lack of knowledge about the religion which we claim to believe and love are identified.
in Mukhtara Mai's case through condemnation of a Mullah in Friday sermon media found out about Mukhtara Mai's case otherwise there are many women who suffer like Mukhtara's Mai but no one hears about that case media did not highlight the positive rule of Religious clergy nor it identified the cause of such incident. 3 years back when 5 women were buried alive in Balochistan nationalist senator of Balochistan National Party in senate said  ''it is part of our culture and there shouldn't be so much outrage against it'' after the burial of women alive and the insane comments rather than bringing Israrullah Zehri or him likes and questioning them about this patriarchal insanity media brought on Mullah's in talk shows and questioned them as is if they are responsible for the incident and comments of secular nationalist senator who was later on made minister of IT by the current enlightened moderate regime in reward.that reflects the hypocrisy of media and mentally colonized ruling elite of Pakistan.
The modern western civilization is economically far more developed and intellectually far more advanced than Pakistan and the Muslim world,Arnold Toynbee said'' modern western civilization driven by science and technology wants world domination not just politically and economically but also culturally'' 
 wannabe elite fringe in Pakistan which dominates the media specially English Print media and also run western funded NGO's propagate a very skewed narrative with the support of the west in particulure US government and current Pakistani Government that there is nothing good about our country and society and solution to our problems and specially issues of women is to take out any bit of Islam left in the constitution and laws and make Pakistan a complete secular state where instead of Islam the western liberalism is standard of right and wrong regardless of its consequences.Based on this mindset the media and dollar funded NGO's campaigned against Hudood laws on rape and adultery ignoring all real issues concerning women and eventually Hudood laws on rape and adultery were repealed  and replaced with dictator Musharraf's so called Women protection act,which was repugnant to Quran and Sunnah,but the excuse for that legislation was that it would protect women from sexual abuse as Hudood laws according to distorted propaganda victimized them.but six years since the bill has been passed the same media and dollar funded NGO's slap themselves by admitting that sexual abuse against women in the country has increased and the culprits don't get punished either. it is not surprising to know that because the bill was not meant to protect rape victims but adulterers.Truth about Hudood laws and Adultery protection bill
its a classic example of leaving your good and adopting the bad of others.

I believe that Pakistan is not a country that it should be or was made to be,and there are too many negative things about our past and present,Pakistan is far from being welfare state but very close from being a falied state,we need to reform and mend our selves individually and collectively for the better.but unlike wannabes I don't live in inferiority complex and I don't see my religion and country from eyes of some Tom,Dick or harry.I am not oblivious of facts and I don't believe that all is bad about our country and all is good about US UK etc.I believe that women are oppressed and discriminated in our country but in some cases they are even more oppressed and victimized in the west sexual crimes in United states . If our family system is safe and strong and we have youthful population because of modest culture and regulated social freedom than it is something we should feel good about and promote these values rather than getting rid of them.If a Muslim or Pakistani woman knows that she need a husband before she has a baby and a million babies are not aborted in this country every year than its a good thing not something to mourn about and be ashamed about.If this believe is entrenched in our society that you have to take care of your parents when they get old rather than leaving them in old age homes to die in disgrace than we should  be proud of this rather than being ashamed of it,With wannabe attitude you can only bring more polarization,corruption and evils to the society rather than getting rid of the existing evils,our Rulers call themselves liberal and they are supported by self proclaimed liberals in Pakistan they wear branded suits like western leaders but don't adopt simplicity and transparency like them,they squander national treasure for there royal life style and systematically ridicule the plight of the poor nation.

I believe that solution to our issues specially issues of women is not in secularization and trying to be what we are not but its in Islam,that is the only powerful and appealing thing which can get rid of patriarchal traditions and ignorance in our society.Islam teaches us to adopt virtue where it comes from and denounce vice wherever it comes from, we need to hold on to our good things and promote them and adopt good things of others,rather than the other way around.and last but not least we need to speak the whole truth about issues in our country real causes and culprits should be identified. with lies,half truth and misdirected outrage for personal agenda you can increase confusion and polarization in the society but you can't solve any issues for the better of the society. 

May Allah bless Pakistan and Pakistanis.Ameen

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Malala,Mullah,Drones and opportunists

Yesterday at night time I found out that our brave and courages sister the daughter of the nation from Swat Malala Yousafzai was attacked by terrorists Malala along with at least 3 other girls was severely injured and TTP accepted responsibility for attacking Malala,for a moment I was left in state of shock and although I know that just like any other group of terrorists the monsters of so called Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan who claimed responsibility for attacking young innocent girls or any terrorist group which attacked them are insane and insensitively cruel terrorists and you can expect any kind of impunity from them,but still I was wondering and trying to figure out how did they find justification to attack Malala,
after a bit of while on twitter I saw #Malala trending number 1 and I read many tweets in which there was more condemnation for PTI peace march against murderous drone attacks than for attack on Malala,again I was left in state of shock although I know that more loyal than king pseudo liberals are shamelessly and insensitively opportunistic and you can expect them to use any incident for there distorted propaganda but still I was wondering and trying to figure out how could they find the justification to condemn PTI peace march against murderous drone attacks in response to terrorist attack on Malala.
those opportunists who defend drone attacks there biggest argument in favour of drones is that they target and kill terrorists,some one should ask these mentally colonized people what about the civilians including women and children who are killed in drone attacks if killing innocent people is terrorism ant drone attacks terrorism ant the people of Fata human beings and Pakistani or they deserve to get killed with air strikes just because they live in an area which is bordered with Nato occupied Afghanistan,what about those who are droning Pakistan ant they biggest source of terrorism,who has given them the right to occupy Afghanistan and kill innocent people on both sides of the durand line,Drone attacks have eliminated terrorism and extremism or they have increased terrorism and extremism,was there any such thing as Pakistani Taliban and suicide bombing before US invasion of Afghanistan,ant the drones fulfilling objectives of the terrorists they want to kill as many civilians as possible and recruit as many people as they can for terrorism and drones not only kill civilians but they also help the terrorist outfits to recruit more people for terrorism,the terrorists who die in drone attacks if any of them do are already willing to die since they are suicide bombers but drones are fulfilling there objectives,state terrorism of drone attacks is an accessory to non state terrorism.
God knows whom have attacked Malala but apparently it seems that TTP is responsible for it.biggest victim of TTP and sectarian terrorism is Islam because they justify there impunity in the name of Islam.Its time for my dear Mullahs the scholars of Islam who control Mosques and religious seminaries of this country to stand up and be counted because Islam is being victimized and although in Pakistan there have always been some people who use the word Mullah as a prefix to insult Islam and Sunnah of beard has always been mocked by the very same people,but now it has become a popular and acceptable trend in so called Islamic republic of Pakistan and specially in the media to use the word Mullah as a maligning word and demonize every person who goes by Islam at individual and communal level specially if he has hair on his chin those who are committing terrorism in the name of Islam and they also have beards on there chins are partially responsible for this opportunistic propaganda against Islam and those who follow its fundamentals.there for mere condemnation of attacks like the one on Malala is not enough,Ullema need to do more and this is not do more of Obama believe me this is a sincere request from someone who loves and respects Ullema that they need to give a comprehensive fatwa against sectarian terrorism,takfir and revolt against the Pakistani state in the name of Islam,regularly lectures should be given in seminaries against sectarianism and terrorism,the sectarian Takfiri terrorist groups of any sect should be disowned and condemned by Ullema of all school of thoughts.Ullema need to realize foreign involvement aside that is a fact but if they remain in denial about the fact that there are some local takfiri deviated groups who are committing heinous crimes in the name of Islam  and thus hindering chances of political change towards Islam in the country despite gradual religious reawakening at social level specially in the urban areas than I am afraid one day Ullema and Islamic organizations which are sincerely working for Islam in the country will repent that they did not realize this fact but than it would be to late,So Ullema and Islamic organizations need to be more vigilant against sectarian crooks and takfirir terrorists for the sack of Islam and themselves.
Ya Allah bless our sisters and daughters of the nation Malala,Shazia and Kainat with speedy recovery and good health as soon as possible.Ameen.